As an online store owner, your product name can make all the difference. This is where TextStore, our innovative AI system, steps in. Far surpassing the capabilities of any human writer, TextStore embarks on an intricate 50-step process to create a compelling, SEO-optimized, and sales-boosting product name.
Here is a detailed list of the actions TextStore performs before crafting each product name:
1. We collect the guidelines (like being unique, good for SEO, having a positive feel, suitable for marketing, and encouraging sales).
2. We break down these guidelines into smaller parts.
3. We look for related ideas in our knowledge base.
4. We filter our search results to keep only the most relevant ones.
5. We create a list of words that match our guidelines.
6. We understand what these words mean and how they’re usually used.
7. We look for meta-words linked to the domain.
8. We predict how well potential names might do in terms of SEO.
9. We list words that would be good for SEO.
10. We find words that might make people feel good.
11. We discover words and phrases that could help increase sales.
12. We put words and phrases together to create product names.
13. We check if these names are unique on the internet.
14. We look at the results of our uniqueness check.
15. If our first names aren’t unique, we come up with more.
16. We check how the new names align with what people are searching for online.
17. We look at how popular our words are in search engines.
18. We find out what the current trends are in product names in the relevant field.
19. We compare our names with these trends.
20. We check how competitive our names would be in search engines.
21. We create variations of our names.
22. We look for more words and phrases that might be positive and help with marketing.
23. We create more product names from these new words and phrases.
24. We check if these new names match our original guidelines.
25. We rank our names according to different factors (like positivity, marketability, SEO optimization, etc.).
26. We look at our rankings and pick the top names.
27. We collect feedback from users.
28. We adjust our names based on this feedback.
29. If our names aren’t suitable, we go back to the search and analysis stage.
30. We collect and look at information on successful product names from the past.
31. We come up with names inspired by these successful ones.
32. We check for repetition or redundancy in our proposed names.
33. We remove any repetitive or copyright problematic names.
34. We identify successful product names in a similar field.
35. We analyze what made these product names successful.
36. We apply these insights to our proposed names.
37. We check how competitive our names would be in search engines.
38. We check if the product name would encourage sales using marketing metrics.
39. We check if the product name is optimized for search engines.
40. We create a final list of top names.
41. We recheck how well our names fit our guidelines.
42. We collect and look at user feedback on our top names.
43. We update our names based on this feedback.
44. We come up with more variations of names based on feedback.
45. We look at the results of our feedback check.
46. We look for additional positive and marketable words and phrases.
47. We create more product names from these new words and phrases.
48. We check if these new names match our original guidelines.
49. If our names aren’t suitable, we go back to the search and analysis stage.
50. We present our final product name, taking into account all stages and guidelines, and explain our thought process after getting user feedback.
Beyond these steps, TextStore continually learns and evolves, refining its process, and becoming more effective with each product name it creates. So, by choosing TextStore, you’re not just selecting a product name, you’re choosing a partner that will drive your success.